A list of mistakes in my papers - if you find any more, please do let me know.
Dynamic Network Flows with Adaptive Route Choice based on Current Information (Thesis)
- Proposition 2.34: Missing reference to AB06, Section 5.1 (for the weak topology being Hausdorff)
Present in book version, fixed in preprint version on my webpage since 15.11.24
- Theorem 5.14, Remark 5.15, Corollary 5.16: Superfluous closing bracket after the term $2\Delta^{4^{\Delta+1}}$ (occurs multiple times).
Present in book version, fixed in preprint version on my webpage since 2.12.24. Thx @Julian for spotting it.
Side-Constrainted Dynamic Traffic Equilibria
- Example 7.8: "Commodity 2 uses the central path at a rate of $1/λ$ during the interval $[4, 5]$ and sends everything else over the direct edge towards $t_2$" should read "...during the interval $[2,3]$ ...".
Additionally, in Figure 5 the inflow rate at node $s_2$ should be $r_2 = \CharF{[2,3]}$.
Present in initial arXiv-version, fixed in v2. Thx @Julian for spotting it.
Dynamic Traffic Assignment for Electric Vehicles
- Lemma A.1: Both $F^k\circ G^k$ and $F\circ G$ should be functions from $A$ to $\IR$ (instead of to $B$).
Present in initial arXiv-version, not fixed yet.
The Price of Anarchy for Instantaneous Dynamic Equilibria
- Lemma 2.1, Proof: All occurences of $U$ should be replaced by $W$ (denoting the subset of vertices from the statement of the lemma).
Present in arXiv versions v1 and v2, as well as MOOR version
A finite time combinatorial algorithm for instantaneous dynamic equilibrium flows
- Algorithm 4 (Water filling procedure): The sum in line 3 should go up to and including $r$ (not just up to $r-1$). The same is true for the sum in line 6.
Present in arXiv version v4, as well as MP version
Dynamic Flows with Adaptive Route Choice
- Algorithm 1 (Water filling procedure): The sum in line 3 should go up to and including $r$ (not just up to $r-1$). The same is true for the sum in line 6.
Present in arXiv versions v3 and v4, as well as MP version (electronic supplementary material)
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